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Cóndor californiano (Gymnogyps californianus)

[Imagen: california-condor-460x260.jpg]
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[Imagen: 205ec63a833858efe1dc87406592a85f.png]
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Otro más compañeros de pajarosilvestre:

Amazilia de Cola Rufa (Amazilia tzacatl)
[Imagen: Amazilia_de_Cola_Rufa-300x235.jpg]
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[Imagen: 205ec63a833858efe1dc87406592a85f.png]
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Un ave muy extraña y además en peligro de extinción¡

kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)

[Imagen: kakapo-noc-300x203.jpg]
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[Imagen: 205ec63a833858efe1dc87406592a85f.png]
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Cacatua Moño Amarillo

[Imagen: cacatua_3.jpg]
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[Imagen: 205ec63a833858efe1dc87406592a85f.png]
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Aviso de que la enciclopedia digue creciendo y añadiendo nuevas especies amigos.
Visita este foro de silvestrismo español¡¡ NO LO PIERDAS Y REGISTRATE
[Imagen: 205ec63a833858efe1dc87406592a85f.png]
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Agradecimientos Recibidos:
If you are sure to bandar sbobet88 tercepat choose to play a profitable mix parlay situs sbobet88 terpercaya betting game, then the steps and methods agen sbobet88 terbaik that are sufficiently determined are to judi sbobet88 terbagus combine your bets with easier ball bets, where bandar sbobet88 tercepat you can choose the type of betting HF / Half sbobet88 asia teraman Time, FT / Full Time and Voor or others sbobet88 asia teraman so that it will be easier to help you judi sbobet88 terbagus more easily achieve a victory.

You have to make sure not bandar sbobet88 tercepat to be mistaken for playing online Nole agen sbobet88 terbaik gambling bets if you want to get an advantage, which sbobet88 asia teraman requires an accurate way that you can sbobet88 asia teraman run if you want to play bets easily until you win.

If you want to succeed until you bandar sbobet88 tercepat get a profit, then you must be able to understand and apply how to gamble online soccer sbobet88 asia teraman gambling to make a profit, here are the most profitable ways to play judi sbobet88 terbagus online soccer gambling betting.
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Agradecimientos Recibidos:
Excelente enciclopedia, lo acabo de adquirir y viene muy bien especificado cada especie.
Trabajo en empresas de seguridad privada / Mi esposa tiene un aviario.
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